When The World Turns To God


  1. When the World Turns to God – Toni Murillo
  2. He Just Wants to love You – Toni Murillobtn_listen4
  3. I’m Glad You’ve Chosen Me – Toni Murillo
  4. Holy Spirit, Breathe on Me – Toni Murillobtn_listen4
  5. He is the One – Toni Murillobtn_listen4
  6. Oh, What a Feelin – Cathy Lake
  7. Where Heaven and Earth Come Together -Angela m. Cravey
  8. What Have You Got to Use – Dr. Charles Cravey
  9. When the Morning Comes – Dr. Charles Cravey
  10. Blood Now Covers Me – Dr. Charles Craveybtn_listen4
  11. Sailing With Jesus – Dr. Charles Cravey
  12. A Heart of Love – Jim Linzey
